Sunday, October 11, 2009


im oober doober tired after our day of travelling yesterday :( BUT !! today made up for that. i loved out tour of the cape. i especially loved seeing the seals and the penguins !! (: ooh and you definately cant forget the random babboons running around. expecially the one that was sitting on top of the car.! haha ill be back later.... (: peace out.


  1. Okay, let's get this out of the way. Please take your oober-doober-self to the toilet and give it a flush. Which way does the water spin? Please oh please say counter-clockwise. I'm guessing, based solely on the National Geographics I've seen, that South Africa may have a better chance of having low pressure commodes, thus allowing the the southern hemisphere to do it's job. BTW-compared to me, you are upside down. Weird huh?

  2. i knew you were going to say something about that. i already checked (: same as new zealand. no spin..all straight haa (:

    - mick

  3. Just as I suspected-newer hotels have those high-pressure, low flow jobbies.

    1. Knock on the door of an older looking house. 2. Do international Pee-pee dance and look cute. 3. Pretend to pee & and drop a small handful of grass in the toilet (for effects) 4. Document 5. Thank the host. 6. Report back.

    If your brave enough discuss The Coriolis Effect with resident, and get their insights.
